This event very likely took place early in the ministry of Jesus. Jesus had been baptizedf by John. After Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, John pointed Him out as "the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world."

The next day John pointed Jesus ot to two of his disciples, John and Andrew. They brought their brothers to Him. The next day Philip and Nathaniel joined the circle (John 1:35-51). Jesus went to Cana of Galilee, where He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11).

Soon thereafter Jesus traveled to Jerusalem to attend the Passover. During this time Jesus performed miracles. Many of those who saw these miracles believed in Jesus, for miracles and wonders were considered part of the age when the Messiah came. Note how Nicodemus referre to these as he began his conversation with Jesus (John 2:23-3:21).

Some of those who saw Jesus' miracles were people from Galilee. After the festival, they went back and told others what Jesus had said and done. But Jesus remained in Judea for a while before beginning the ninety-mile journey back to Galilee by way of Samaria. (John 3:22-4:4).

At Jacob's well near Sychar Jesus spoke words of salvation to the woman. She invited her fellow townsmen to see and hear Jesus for themselves. When they asked Him to stay, Jesus remained with them for two days. At the end of His stay, they confessed their faith in Him as the Savior, the promised Messiah, because of what He had said and taught them (John 4:5-43).


When Jesus arrived in Galilee, the people welcomed Him. They had seen and heard all that Jesus had done at Jerusalem several weeks before.

Jesus came to Cana of Galilee, lying around 8 miles north of Nazareth at the edge of a plain through wich ran an important road to the seaport of Ptolemais on the Mediterranean coast. It was here at Cana that He had turned water into wine some weeks ago.

A nobleman lived at Capernaum. This town lay 20 miles to the east on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. This man was in government service. Very likely he was a high official under Herod Antipas, who ruled over Galilee. Herod was one of the sons of Herod the Great.

The nobleman hurried to Cana to plead with Jesus for his son. Keeping in mind that John seems to use Roman system of measuring time, the nobleman very likely arrived in Cana around 7 P.M.

At the man's first plea, Jesus pointed out that faith based on signs and miracles was not enough.

The nobleman simply repeated his plea, for he firmly believed that Jesus could heal his son. Jesus simply answered, "Go, your son is well." --He didn't need to travel to Capernaum to heal his son. He healed him then and there.

The next day when the nobleman was met by his servants, he learned that his son had been healed at the very moment when Jesus said, "Your son is well."