/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var title="PENTECOST"; var title2="Lesson 6"; var max=20; Text=new Array(20); aposstr=new String; speechstr=new String; aposstr="'"; speechstr='"'; for (var x=0; x<=max; x++) { Text[x]=""; } Text[0]=' 1. After Jesus had risen from the dead, He appeared many times to His disciples. More than once He came to them as they were meeting behind locked doors.'; Text[1]=' 2. Just before He went back to Heaven, Jesus was with His apostles once more. He told them to wait in Jerusalem until He would send them the Holy Spirit.'; Text[2]=' 3. Jesus told them that when the Holy Spirit came they would receive power so that they could tell people about Jesus in Jerusalem and Judea, and in many other countries.'; Text[3]=' 4. Then Jesus began to rise into heaven. As the apostles kept watching Jesus, a cloud finally hid Him from view. Then two angels told the apostles that Jesus would come back some day but that now the apostles should go to Jerusalem just as Jesus had asked them to do.'; Text[4]=' 5. They went back to Jerusalem to wait till Jesus would send them the Holy Spirit. They believed that Jesus would do exactly what He said He would do.'; Text[5]=' 6. Ten days after Jesus had left them, the apostles were all together in one place in Jerusalem.'; Text[6]=' 7. Suddenly there was a sound from heaven like a rushing wind. Tongues like flames of fire rested on each of them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit just as Jesus had promised. The Holy Spirit gave the apostles power to speak in languages they had never studied.'; Text[7]=' 8. People from many other countries were living at Jerusalem. When they heard the sound, they came to see what was happening.'; Text[8]=' 9. When they saw that the apostles were all Galileans, and yet each man heard them speaking in their own language, they were amazed. They asked, "What does this mean?"'; Text[9]=' 10. Some of them made fun of the apostles. They said that the apostles were doing this because they were drunk.'; Text[10]=' 11. As the apostles stood up together, Peter told the crowd that the apostles were not drunk but that they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter explained that God had said many years ago that this would happen. Then he began to tell them about Jesus.'; Text[11]=' 12. Peter reminded these people that they had crucified Jesus of Nazareth. Then he began to show the people that the One they had killed was God\'s only Son.'; Text[12]=' 13. He told them that God had raised Jesus up from the dead just as He had promised.'; Text[13]=' 14. Then Peter told them how Jesus had gone back into heaven to be with His Father. Peter had actually watched Jesus go to heaven only ten days before.'; Text[14]=' 15. Peter used the Scriptures to prove to these people that the Jesus whom they had killed was really God\'s Son. He told them that Jesus was now in heaven sitting at God\'s right hand.'; Text[15]=' 16. When the people heard what they had done, they were sorry and they asked Peter and the other apostles, "What shall we do?"'; Text[16]=' 17. Peter answered, "Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."'; Text[17]=' 18. As Peter kept on talking to the people he told them again and again that they needed to be saved. About 3,000 of the people decided to do what Peter said and they were baptized.'; Text[18]=' 19. After this they came together often both in the temple and in their homes to talk about Jesus and their faith in Him. They wanted to know more of God\'s will for them.'; Text[19]=' 20. They met together every Sunday to eat the Lord\'s Supper in memory of Jesus who had died for their sins.';