/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var title="PAUL AT ANTIOCH"; var title2="Lesson 9"; var max=20; Text=new Array(20); aposstr=new String; speechstr=new String; aposstr="'"; speechstr='"'; for (var x=0; x<=max; x++) { Text[x]=""; } Text[0]='1. Stephen was the first Christian to be killed, because he said, "Jesus is God\'s Son." Paul of Tarsus watched while the others stoned Stephen to death.'; Text[1]='2. Paul began to persecute the Christians in Jerusalem and in all the country around Jerusalem.'; Text[2]='3. Philip was one of the seven helpers of the apostles. He left Jerusalem and went to Samaria to tell people there about Jesus.'; Text[3]='4. Later Philip was sent to meet the treasurer of the Queen of Ethiopia to tell him about Jesus too.'; Text[4]='5. Many Christians left Jerusalem to get away from Paul and his fierce persecution. Some went to Phoenicia and Cyprus. Others went as far north as Antioch in Northern Syria.'; Text[5]='6. The beautiful city of Antioch served as the capital of the province of Syria. It was also a very important trade center. Many idols were worshipped at Antioch.'; Text[6]='7. Some Christians came to Antioch. After a while they said, "The people who are not Jews must also know about Jesus." They began to tell them about the Lord Jesus too.'; Text[7]='8. Someone told the church at Jerusalem, "Christians in Antioch are telling all people about Jesus."'; Text[8]='9. "We must show the Christians in Antioch that we are interested in them," some said. "Let us send Barnabas. He has a strong faith in Jesus. He is filled with the Holy Spirit."'; Text[9]='10. When Barnabas came to Antioch, he saw how God was blessing the church. He told people to keep on telling all people about Jesus.'; Text[10]='11. Later Barnabas went to Tarsus to bring Paul back to help him at Antioch.'; Text[11]='12. One day Agabus, a Christian from Jerusalem, got up and said, "There will be a great famine all over the Roman empire."'; Text[12]='13. The church at Antioch said, "Let us take an offering to help the many poor Christians at Jerusalem. They need our help so they will have food to eat."'; Text[13]='14. The people gave as much as they could to help the poor at Jerusalem.'; Text[14]='15. Some months later Paul and Barnabas were sent to bring the offering to Jerusalem. Titus went with them. They walked many miles from Antioch to Jerusalem.'; Text[15]='16. The apostles and the elders at Jerusalem were very happy to receive the offering from the Christians at Antioch.'; Text[16]='17. Paul and Barnabas told them what they had told people at Antioch about Jesus.'; Text[17]='18. Some Christians felt that all who believed in Jesus had to live as Jews in order to be saved. They insisted that Paul and Barnabas had to demand this of the Christians at Antioch. But Peter, James, and John agreed with Paul and Barnabas that this would not be necessary.'; Text[18]='19. "We will keep on working among the Jews to show them that Jesus is the promised Savior," Peter and James said. "But you, Paul and Barnabas, work especially among those who are not Jews."'; Text[19]='20. "We will never forget the poor Christians at Jerusalem," Paul and Barnabas promised the apostles. And they returned to Antioch to work with the Christians there.';