Illustrations of English words derived from the Greek in the New Testament.
Goal: To enhance one's understanding of the Bible text by using our
understanding of its Greek words that we use in our
daily communication in the common English. By Gaylon West.
ἴσος G2470 isos
Thayer Definition:
1) equal, in quantity or quality
Part of Speech: adjective
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: probably from G1492 (through the idea of seeming)
Strong's Dictionary: Probably from G1492 (through the idea of seeming); similar (in amount or kind): - + agree, as much, equal, like.
Total KJV occurrences: 8 equal, 4
Matthew 20:12, John 5:18, Philippians 2:6, Revelation 21:16 agree, 1 Mark 14:59 agreed, 1 Mark 14:56 like, 1
Acts 11:17 much, 1
Luke 6:34
ETYMOLOGY of anglicized words from isos:: quoted from [].
"having two equal sides," from Greek isoskeles "with
equal legs; isosceles; that can be divided into two equal parts,"
from isos "equal, identical" (see iso-) + skelos"leg,"
isocracy (n.)"equal
power," from Greek isokratia "equality of political
rights," from isokrates "of equal power, possessing equal
rights with (others)," from isos "equal" (see iso-) +
-kratia "power, rule, authority." An
a form
of government where
all citizens have equal political power.
aniso- word-forming
element meaning "unequal, not equal," from Greek anisos
"not equal."
isotherm (n.)"line
connecting points on the earth having the same mean temperature,"
from Greek isos "equal, identical" + therme "heat."
isobar (n.) coined from
Greek isos "equal" (see iso-) + baros "weight".
Line connecting places with the same barometric pressure at the same
time. Related: Isobaric.
isometric (adj.) literally "of the same measure,"
from iso- "the same, equal" + -metric. The components are
Greek: isos "equal, identical" + metron "a measure."
isocephalic (adj.)
"having the heads of the principal figures at about the same
level," from Greek isokephalos"like-headed," from
isos "equal" + kephalē "head" . The rule or
principle of ancient Greek art that makes figures standing and on
horseback have heads carved on nearly the same level.
isonomia (n.)"equality
before the law," ultimately from Greek isonomia "equality
of rights, the equality of a Greek democracy," from isos "equal,
identical" + nomos"law"
isotope (n.) literally
"having the same place," from Greek isos "equal"
+ topos "place" so called because, despite having
different atomic weights, the various forms of an element occupy the
same place on the periodic table.
iso- word-forming
element meaning "equal, similar, identical; isometric,"
from Greek isos "equal to, the same as; equally divided; fair,
impartial (of persons); even, level (of ground)," as in isometor
"like one's mother." In English used properly only with
words of Greek origin; the Latin equivalent is equi-.
(n.)"equilibrium from equality of pressure," from
iso- + Greek stasis "setting, weighing, standing" . Greek
isostasios meant "in equipoise with, equivalent to.
(n.) "similarity of form," from Greek isos "equal,
identical" (see iso-) + morphe "form, appearance."
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