Studying God's Word

αυτοπτης :

Illustrations of English words
derived from the Greek in the New Testament.

autopsy G845:  eye-witness

By Gaylon West.

History of English word
autopsy (n.) 1650s, "an eye-witnessing," from Modern Latin autopsia, from Greek autopsia "a seeing with one's own eyes," from autos- "self" (see auto-) + opsis "a sight" (see eye (n.)). Sense of "dissection of a body to determine cause of death" is first recorded 1670s, probably from the same sense in French autopsie (1570s). -

Thayer Definition: 1) seeing with one’s own eye, an eye-witness 1a) a medical term: autopsy, a detailed examination
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by Thayer's/Strong's Number: from G846 and G3700

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