Illustrations of English words
derived from the Greek in the New Testament.

Gaylon West.

epi + thesis. G1936. proposition.   Greek words of the New Testament, illustrated.

History of English word

epi- epi- Look up epi- at Dictionary.com before vowels reduced to ep-, before aspirated vowels eph-, word-forming element meaning "on, upon, above," also "in addition to; toward, among," from Greek epi "upon, at, close upon (in space or time), on the occasion of, in addition," from PIE *epi, *opi "near, at, against" (source also of Sanskrit api "also, besides;" Avestan aipi "also, to, toward;" Armenian ev "also, and;" Latin ob "toward, against, in the way of;" Oscan op, Greek opi- "behind;" Hittite appizzis "younger;" Lithuanian ap- "about, near;" Old Church Slavonic ob "on"). A productive prefix in Greek.
thesis (n.) late 14c., "unaccented syllable or note," from Latin thesis "unaccented syllable in poetry," later (and more correctly) "stressed part of a metrical foot," from Greek thesis "a proposition," also "downbeat" (in music), originally "a setting down, a placing, an arranging; position, situation," from root of tithenai "to place, put, set," from PIE root *dhe- "to set, to put" (see factitious). Sense in logic of "a formulation in advance of a proposition to be proved" is first recorded 1570s; that of "dissertation presented by a candidate for a university degree" is from 1650s.
- http://www.etymonline.com/

from Thayer's Definition:
epithesis 1) a laying on, imposition
Part of Speech: noun feminine A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G2007 epitithe¯mi

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