By Gaylon West.
"god of the dead in Greek mythology;" also
the name of his realm, the abode of the dead spirits, 1590s, from Greek Haidēs, in Homer the name of the god of the
underworld, son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus and Poseidon. His name is
of unknown origin. Perhaps literally "the invisible" [Watkins], from
privative prefix a- + idein "to
see" (from PIE root
"to see"). The name of the god was
extended in later Greek writing to his kingdom, [used by masses then as-(gw)] also "the grave,
death." Related: Hadal (adj.), 1964; Hadean. G86
ᾅδης hadēs hah'-dace From G1 (as a
negative particle) and ; properly unseen, that is, “Hades” or the place (state) of departed souls: - grave, hell.
Thayer's ᾅδης hadēs Thayer Definition: 1) name Hades or Pluto, the god of the lower regions 2) Orcus, the nether world, the realm of the dead 3) later use of this word: the grave, death, hell Part of Speech: noun proper locative A Related Word by Thayer's/Strong's Number: from G1 (as negative particle) and
OT, LXX total, 66 verses with Hades (G86); Total KJV NT (which only uses the Greek) occurrences: NT -11 BUT TRANSLATED AS "HELL" Genesis 42:38 And he said, [ shall not go down My son] with you, for his brother died, and he alone is left behind. And suppose it shall come to pass that he be infirm in the way which ever you go, and you will lead me in old age with distress into Hades.G86 Genesis 44:29 If then you should take also this one from my face, and comes to pass to him an infirmity in the way, then know that you will lead me in old age with distress into Hades.G86 Genesis 44:31 And it will be in his seeing [ not being the child] with us, he will come to an end, and [ will lead your servants] to old age your servant [ father and 2our] with distress into Hades.G86 Numbers 16:30 But if by a visible manifestation the LORD shall show, and [ opening the earth] its mouth shall swallow them, and their houses, and their tents, and all as much as is theirs, and they shall go down alive into Hades,G86 then you shall know that [ provoked these men] the LORD. Numbers 16:33 And these went down, and all as many as is to them, alive into Hades;G86 and [ covered them the earth], and they were destroyed from out of the midst of the congregation. Deuteronomy 32:22 For a fire2 burns away of my rage; it shall be burned unto [ HadesG86 lower]; it shall devour the land, and its produce; it shall blaze on the foundations of mountains. 1 Samuel 2:6 The LORD puts to death, and he brings forth alive; he leads them down into Hades,G86 and he leads up. 2 Samuel 22:6 Cords of HadesG86 encircled me, and [ anticipated me shackles of death]. 1 Kings 2:6 And you shall do according to your wisdom, and you shall not lead down his gray hair in peace into Hades.G86 1 Kings 2:9 And you shall in no way acquit him, for [ man wise you are], and you shall know what to do with him, and you shall lead down his gray hair with blood into Hades.G86 Job 7:9 I am as a cloud being cleared away from the heaven; for if a man should go down into Hades,G86 no longer in any way should he ascend; Job 11:8 [ is high Heaven], and what will you do? And there are deeper things than in Hades,G86 what do you know? Job 14:13 For ought in HadesG86 you guarded me, and hid me until whenever [ should cease your anger]; and should have ordered for me a time in which [ mention of me you shall make]. Job 17:13 For if I remain, HadesG86 is my house; and in dimness I will make my strewn bed. Job 17:16 or [ with me into HadesG86 will they go down]? or with one accord [ unto the embankment 1shall we go down]? Job 21:13 And they complete [ with good things their existence], and in the rest of HadesG86 they go to sleep. Job 26:6 [ is naked Hades]G86 before him, and there is no wrap-around garment for destruction. Job 33:22 [ approached and unto death his soul], and his life unto Hades.G86 Job 38:17 [ open And to you in fear do the gates of death]; and did gatekeepers of Hades,G86 in beholding you, become alarmed? Psalm 6:5 For there is no [ in death remembering you]; and in Hades,G86 who shall make acknowledgement to you? Psalm 9:17 Let [ be turned the sinners] to Hades!G86 even all the nations forgetting God. Psalm 16:10 For you shall not abandon my soul in Hades,G86 nor shall you give your sacred one to see corruption. Psalm 18:5 Pangs of HadesG86 surrounded me; [ anticipated me snares of death]. Psalm 30:3 O LORD, you led [ from out of HadesG86 1my soul]; you delivered me from the ones going down into the pit. Psalm 31:17 O LORD, may I not be disgraced, for I called upon you. May [3be ashamedG153 1the 2impious], and led down into Hades.G86 Psalm 49:14 [ as sheep 4in 5HadesG86 They placed them]; death tends them; and [ shall dominate them the upright] in the morning; and their help shall grow old in Hades;G86 [ from their glory they were banished]. Psalm 49:15 Except God shall ransom my soul from out of the hand of Hades,G86 whenever he should take me. Psalm 55:15 And let [ come death] upon them, and let them go down into HadesG86 alive! For wickedness in their sojourn, is in the midst of them. Psalm 86:13 For your mercy is great towards me; and you rescued my soul from out of [ HadesG86 lowermost]. Psalm 88:3 For [ is filled of bad things 1my soul], and my life [ HadesG86 approached]. Psalm 89:48 Who is the man who shall live and not see death? Shall he rescue his own soul from out of the hand of Hades?G86 PAUSE. Psalm 94:17 Unless that the LORD helped me, [ would shortly have sojourned in HadesG86 my soul]. Psalm 115:17 [ not The dead shall] praise you, O LORD, nor all the ones going down into Hades.G86 Psalm 116:3 [ compassed me The pangs of death]; the dangers of HadesG86 found me; [ affliction and grief I found]. Psalm 139:8 If I should ascend into the heaven, you are there; if I should go down into Hades,G86 you are at hand. Psalm 141:7 As thick ground was broken asunder upon the earth, [ were dispersed his bones] by Hades.G86 Proverbs 1:12 and we should swallow him as Hades,G86 while living, and lift his remembrance from the earth, Proverbs 2:18 For she put [ near death her house], and [ lead by HadesG86 with the earthborn. her courses of action]. Proverbs 5:5 For [ of folly the feet] lead [ down the ones dealing with her with death unto Hades];G86 and her tracks are not established; Proverbs 7:27 [ is the ways of HadesG86 Her house]; they lead down into the storerooms of death. Proverbs 9:18 But he does not know that earth-born men. [ by her are destroyed], and [ upon the perch of HadesG86 1he meets]. Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seems to be straight by men, but the finalities of it come into the lower branch of Hades.G86 Proverbs 15:11 HadesG86 and destruction are made apparent by the LORD; how not also the hearts of men? Proverbs 15:24 [ are ways of life The thoughts of the discerning]; that turning aside from HadesG86 he should be delivered. Proverbs 16:25 There are ways that seem to be straight to a man, however the finalities of them look into the lower branch of Hades.G86 Proverbs 27:20 HadesG86 and destruction are not filled up; likewise also the eyes of the [ man insatiable]. [ is an abomination to the LORD One fixing the eye], and the uninstructed ones are immoderate in tongue. Proverbs 30:16 Hades,G86 and passion of a woman, and earth not filled with water; and water and fire in no way shall say, It sufficies. Ecclesiastes 9:10 All as much as [ should find your hand] to do, [ as is power in your you do]; for there is no action, nor device,3 nor knowledge,08 nor wisdom in Hades,G86 of where you should go there. Song of Solomon 8:6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm! For [ is strong as death the love]; hard as HadesG86 is jealousy; her sparks are sparks of the fire of her flames. Isaiah 5:14 And [ widened Hades]G86 its breath, and opened wide its mouth to not stop. And [ shall go down the honorable ones], and the great, and the rich, and the one exalting in her. Isaiah 14:9 HadesG86 from below was embittered meeting with you; [ were risen up together against you all the giants ruling the earth], the ones rising from their thrones, all the kings of the nations. Isaiah 14:11 [ went down into HadesG86 Your glory], [ great gladness your]; underneath you they shall make a bed of putrefaction, and [ shall be your covering the worm]. Isaiah 14:15 But now [ into HadesG86 you shall go down], and into the foundations of the earth. Isaiah 14:19 But you shall be tossed in the mountains as dead, being abhorred with many having died being stabbed by a sword, going down into Hades.G86 Isaiah 28:15 For you said, We made a covenant with Hades,G86 and [ with death treaties]. [ a gale being brought If] should go by, in no way should it come to us. We made the lie our hope, and by the lie we shall be sheltered. Isaiah 28:18 even [ should not have removed your covenant of death]; and your hope, the one in HadesG86 in no way should adhere. [ the blast being brought If] should come, you will be [ by it for trampling]. Isaiah 38:10 I said in the height of my days, I shall go to the gates of Hades;G86 I shall forsake the years remaining. Isaiah 38:18 [ not For the ones in HadesG86 shall] praise you; nor the ones dying shall bless you; nor shall [ hope the ones in Hades]G86 on your charity. Isaiah 57:9 and you multiplied your harlotry with them, and [ many you made] of them far from you. And you sent ambassadors over your borders, and you were abased unto Hades.G86 Ezekiel 31:15 Thus says Adonai the LORD; In which day he went down into Hades,G86 [ mourned him the abyss]. And I attended to her rivers, and restrained the abundance of water. And [was darkened over him Lebanon]; all the trees of the plains [ by him were enfeebled]. Ezekiel 31:16 From the sound of his downfall [ shook the nations] when I brought him down unto HadesG86 with the ones going down into the pit. And [ comforted him in earth lowermost all the trees of the delicacy], and the chosen ones and the best ones of Lebanon, all the ones drinking water. Ezekiel 31:17 For also even they went down with him into HadesG86 with the ones slain by the sword; and his seed dwelling under his protection [ in the middle of their life were destroyed]. Ezekiel 32:27 And they sleep with the giants having fallen from the eon, the ones who went down into HadesG86 with weapons of warfare; and they put their swords under their heads, and [ came their lawless deeds] upon their bones, for they were frightened giants during their life. Hosea 13:14 From the hand of HadesG86 I shall rescue them; from death I will ransom them. Where is your punishment, O death? Where is your sting, O Hades?G86 Consolation is hidden from my eyes. Amos 9:2 If they should be buried in Hades,G86 from there my hand shall pull them up. And if they ascend into the heaven, from there I will lead them down. Jonah 2:2 And he said, I yelled my affliction to the LORD my God, and he hearkened to me. From out of the belly of HadesG86 was my cry; you heard my voice. Habakkuk 2:5 But the one being arrogant and despising, [ man the ostentatious], not one thing in any way should he have achieved, who widened [ as 3HadesG86 his soul], and s as death not being filled up, even he shall assemble unto himself all the nations, and will take in to himself all the peoples. HADES G86 Greek NT KJV translation - Matthew 11:23 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell:G86 for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hellG86 shall not prevail against it. Luke 10:15 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell.G86 Luke 16:23 And in hellG86 he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Acts 2:27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell,G86 neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Acts 2:31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell,G86 neither his flesh did see corruption. 1 Corinthans 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave,G86 where is thy victory? Revelation 1:18 ( ) I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have92 the keys of hellG86 and of death. Revelation 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and HellG86 followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Revelation 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hellG86 delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Revelation 20:14 And death and hellG86 were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
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