Illustrations of English words derived from the Greek in the New Testament.
By Gaylon West.
History of English word prognosis (n.)
1650s, "forecast of the probable course of a disease," from Late Latin prognosis, from Greek prognosis "foreknowledge," also, in medicine, "predicted course of a disease," from stem of progignoskein "come to know beforehand," from pro- "before" (see pro-) + gignoskein "come to know" (see gnostic). General (non-medical) use in English from 1706. A back-formed verb prognose is attested from 1837. Related: Prognosed; prognosing.
Thayer Definition:
1) foreknowledge
2) forethought, pre-arrangement
Part of Speech: noun feminine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G4267 "to foreknow; predestinate"
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