Illustrations of English words
derived from the Greek in the New Testament.

By Gaylon West.

Greek ῥῆμα

    According to Strong's Concordance (#G4487), means “an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically) on a particular matter or topic.”
    Thayer's Greek Definitions defines the word as something that has been uttered, in either the past or the present, by a living entity.
The word rhema occurs at least 70 times in the New Testament Greek text. The books that use it the most are the gospel of Luke (19 times), followed by the book of Acts (14 times), then the gospel of John (12 times). In the King James Bible, the Greek word Rhema is many times translated as "word(s)" (Matthew 4:4, 18:16, Mark 14:72, etc.). It is also translated as "saying(s)" (Mark 9:32, Luke 1:65, etc.) and "thing(s)" (Luke 2:19; Acts 5:32; Luke 2:15). Also, it is “evil” in Matthew 5:11 and “nothing” in Luke 1:37.

THE ENGLISH WORD “RHETORIC”--basically, “that which is spoken” [see chart] “RHETORIC”*--early 14c., from Old French rethorique, from Latin rhetorice, from Greek rhetorike techne "art of an orator," from rhetor (genitive rhetoros) "speaker, orator, teacher of rhetoric," related to rhesis "speech," rhema "word, phrase, verb," literally "that which is spoken," from PIE *wre-tor-, from root *were- (3) "to speak" (source also of Old English word, Latin verbum, Greek eirein "to say." FROM ETYMONLINE.COM. RHEMA: “THAT WHICH IS SPOKEN”. Note on ῥ 1FE5 GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO WITH DASIA.   In polytonic orthography, a rho at the beginning of a word is written with a rough breathing, equivalent to h (ῥ rh, and a double rho within a word is written with a smooth breathing over the first rho and a rough breathing over the second (ῥ ῥ rrh). That apparently reflected an aspirated or voiceless pronunciation in Ancient Greek, which led to the various Greek-derived English words starting with rh or contain rrh.

G4487 rhema; word. Greek word in Bible illustrated.
 rhema2; word  diagram of Ephesians 6:17b
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