/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var title="PETER SAVED FROM PRISON"; var title2="Lesson 10"; var max=20; Text=new Array(20); aposstr=new String; speechstr=new String; aposstr="'"; speechstr='"'; for (var x=0; x<=max; x++) { Text[x]=""; } Text[0]='1. Herod Agrippa I, the grandson of King Herod the Great, was now king over all of Palestine.'; Text[1]='2. He tried hard to please the Jews. When he was in Jerusalem he worshipped in the temple with them.'; Text[2]='3. He also planned to build a wall so that a suburb to the north of Jerusalem would be better protected. He was doing all he could to make the Jews happy.'; Text[3]='4. King Herod arrested John\'s brother James and had him put to death.'; Text[4]='5. When he saw that the Jews liked that, he had Peter arrested and kept in jail under heavy guard. He wanted to put him to death after the Passover festival.'; Text[5]='6. The Christians at Jersualem were praying that Peter\'s life would be spared.'; Text[6]='7. The night before his execution, Peter was sleeping peacefully between two soldiers.'; Text[7]='8. Suddenly an angel came and woke him. "Get up quickly," he told Peter. Immediately the chains fell from Peter\'s hands.'; Text[8]='9. So Peter put on his sandals and his coat, thinking all the while that he was dreaming.'; Text[9]='10. The guards at the door didn\'t see Peter and the angel as they walked out of the prison.'; Text[10]='11. When they reached the heavy iron gate to the street it opened before them. They walked out into the street and Peter was free.'; Text[11]='12. Suddenly the angel was gone. Peter said to himself, "Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent his angel to rescue me."'; Text[12]='13. He went to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where the Christians had gathered to pray for him.'; Text[13]='14. When Peter knocked, a young girl named Rhoda came to answer the door. She was so happy when she heard Peter\'s voice that she failed to open the door. Instead she ran back to tell the others.'; Text[14]='15. When Rhoda told them that Peter was standing at the door some of them said, "You must be mad!" When she insisted it was true, they replied, "Then it is his angel."'; Text[15]='16. Peter kept on knocking. When they finally opened the door, they were so surprised to see him. He waved to them to be quiet.'; Text[16]='17. He told them what God had done for him. "Go and tell James and the other brothers what has happened." Then he left.'; Text[17]='18. The next morning the soldiers could not find Peter. They questioned among themselves what could have happened to Peter.'; Text[18]='19. King Herod Agrippa ordered his soldiers to search the city of Jerusalem, but Peter could not be found.'; Text[19]='20. Then the king ordered the soldiers who had guarded Peter to be put to death, because they had lost their prisoner.';