Goes Up to Heaven After appearing again to His
disciples, Jesus gave them the Great Commission, promising them the help of the
Holy Spirit. Jesus then ascended into heaven. Matthew 28:16-20;
Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:44-53;
Acts 1:3-12 After appearing twice to His disciples in Sometime after this, Jesus
appeared to His disciples again on a mountain in As the risen Savior, the Lord of Lords and ruler of
the universe, Jesus said, "'All power is given to Me
in heaven and on earth." He added, '" am with you always till the end
of the world." Jesus made it clear that
they and His followers after them had as their mission to witness to the world,
to share the Gospel not only with those 'Nho were of
the Jewish race. All people on the face of the earth were and are to be the
object of the outreach of the church. Those with whom the Gospel
is shared and thus are led by the Holy Spirit to become followers of Jesus are
to be baptized into the fellowship of the family of the triune God. They are
to be taught the Word of God and its meaning in terms of faith and life so that
they may grow in their expression of this faith. (Col. 3: 16; Eph. 2:10; I
Peter 2:9) THE
ASCENSION The disciples returned to Forty days after His
resurrection, Jeslls came to the disciples again. As
they walked with Him to the In Jesus'
answer He did not speak of an earthly kingdom but of His spiritual kingdom, the
church. Jesus had earlier said, "My kingdom is not of this world." He
reminded the apostles that they were to carry His message throughout the world
with the help of the Holy Spirit. Notice His answer, "You cannot know
times and dates which have been fixed by the Father's sole authority. But you
are to be given power when the Holy Spirit has come to you. You will be
witnesses to me, not only in Note how Jesus describes where they were to share the
Gospel message: Later events as recorded in Acts indicate that this
was difficult for many of the early Christians to understand - See Acts 10: I-II : I 8; 15.
Christians fleeing Saul's persecution came to Somewhere on the Mount of
Olives Jesus raised His hands in blessing and was taken from His disciples to
return to His throne. of divine power and grace. Note
how the angels spoke of Christ's return to earth - see Acts 1: llff. Filled with joy, the disciples returned to Photo creaits: Matson Photo Service |