1"He added no more." |
3Moses is the one doing the reviewing. So he receives the tables. |
5They wanted God to talk only to Moses. |
7He spoke everything that was to be taught the people at this time. |
9Love the stranger (implication is that orphans (fatherless) are included). |
11The place was later identified to be Jerusalem. So although Jerusalem was non-existent at this time, she indirectly becomes a part of the Ten Commandment covenant. |
13The covenant God commanded Moses to make with Israel while in the land of Moab. This was `beside` the Horeb (Sinai) covenant. |
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17The people desired God to do it that way. |
19God makes His will known through visions and dreams to His prophets. |
21The writer and PROPHET Isaiah. |
23Offerings were required to take away sins. |
25God's prophets spoke God's order on music. |
27God could add as needed. Man could not. |
28Man could not `take away` or diminish from the covenant of God. |
29Man could not change God's Law by "adding". |
30Man could not change God's Law by subtracting from it. |
31In a book. |
32In a book. |
33He gave the Law to the priests and the elders. |
34In the side of the "ark of the covenant". |
35Moses was as god to Pharaoh; and Aaron was his prophet to Pharaoh. This illustrates the meaning of the word "prophet" as God meant it. |
36A "prophet" is a `mouth` for his `god`. [Not that Moses was a god, but he was serving as a `god` in this context and relationship]. |