29 Judges 3
29. Who was the lefthanded "deliverer"? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
30 Judges 3
30. Who was the next deliverer (i.e., judge)? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
31 Judges 4
31. Jabin was king of what country? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
32 Judges 4
32. Who was God`s Judge at this time? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
33 Judges 6
33. To what country did God deliver Israel this time? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
34 Judges 6
34. The angel comes to what `mighty man of valor`? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
35 Judges 8
35. Israel was in what during the days of Gideon? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
36 Judges 10
36. What judge lived in Shamir? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
37 Judges 10
37. How many sons did the judge Jair have? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
38 Judges 10
38. Israel forsook God again. Whom did they serve? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
39 Judges 10
39. The Philistines and what people oppressed Israel this time? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
40 Judges 11
40. How long did Jephthah judge Israel? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
41 Judges 11
41. Where was the judge Ibzan from? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
42 Judges 12
42. In what country was Elon buried? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
43 Judges 12
43. Who was judge after Ibzan and Elon? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
44 Judges 13
44. What oppressor bothered Israel this time? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
45 Judges 16
45. Against what oppressor did Samson [God`s strong man] fight? Find the answer in the text and click on it. |
1. God called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldees to go to a land He would give Him. "Genesis 15:7"
2. The land given to Abraham was between the river Egypt and the Euphrates River. "Genesis 15:18"
3. The land was inherited by Abraham's descendants ISRAEL and all of it was possessed. "Joshua 21:43"
4. The agreement (covenant) required that the heirs be faithful to God else they would perish off the land. "Joshua 23:12-13"
5. Israel broke the agreement time and time again. Judges 2:14-17"
6. The Bible word "judge" means deliverer. And God time and time again provided Israel with judges when they repented. "Judges 2:16"
7. The first judge was Othniel the son of faithful Caleb. "Judges 3:9"
8. God did not immediately remove the nation Israel off the land because He is longsuffering. "Num. 14:18"
The purpose of this lesson was to help the student to reason (by induction) the following information from the passages: Move your mouse over the references.
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