You are eligible for the Bible Study Correspondence Certificate upon completion of "The Body and the Shadow" EBCC.
Dear Friend, This correspondence course is in an unique format for Bible lessons: TextQwest.
Format: 1. You will not be asked to look up multiple passages of Bible passages. 2. You will not be asked to read comments on the Bible except for encouraging notes for responses.
But you will be asked to read Bible passages. You will be asked to study the context. "Who is speaking?" "To whom is the speaker speaking?" "What is he saying?" "How is this important to me?"
You will not be left to do this alone. But rather, the mouse should guide you in your study of the passages. Just click on the "Helpme" button at the top of each page. Then, when you are finished and when you feel you are ready, you will want to take the test to see how much you have learned.
Some have confused the lessons with the tests. The lessons are didactic and direct your study of selected passages. The tests quiz you on your memory of the lessons. You are graded only on the tests [only you know your score UNLESS you choose to let me know. Only the IE version uses your computer to keep up with your score. To minimize intrusion into your computer, this feature has been deleted on the new version. But even the IE version is revised to give you a choice.
You are not required to send anything to me unless you wish to receive the Bible Study Correspondence Certificate. The results for each lesson must be mailed to me indicating that you have successfully finished the course. You may e-mail the results; your e-mail address is only used to send the certificate. You are welcomed to make comments positive or negative. The e-mail address is "". Make certain the "subject" for the email is "EBCC course lessons". My mailing address: Gaylon West 3008 Lantana Road Auburndale, FL 33823
Requirements for use of this course: 1. These lessons are free to use individually. 2. They are written in HTML and all you need is the browser you are using to read this. 3. Do not forget to take the QUIZ! You may enjoy doing the "activity" associated with the lesson before taking the quiz. The activity is designed to help you to prepare for the quiz as well. Both are available through this menu under "Quizzes" and "Activities" respectively!