4 Bible Lessons from Hebrews11


There are many lessons we can learn from a study of the Hebrew letter. While we can’t be sure who wrote the book, it is inspired of God, and  consequently, it is profitable for us.


Our Worship

Heb. 11:4

 First, we learn that acceptable worship must be “by faith.”

Second, we learn that “Abel was righteous”.

Third, we can learn lessons from those who are dead.

“Though he being dead still speaks”.    The life of this godly man was cut short by a jealous brother who was filled with rage.




Our Walk

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Hebrew 11:5

In Genesis 5:18 (recorded in the genealogies; e.g.,  as 1 Chronicles 1) we meet Enoch where we learn he was the son of Seth and the grandson of Adam.  Enoch was also the father of Methuselah who died in the year of the flood. Gen. 5:22,24 says Enoch “walked with God”, which means they were in agreement: Amos 3:3 “two cannot walk together except they be agreed”.

           Enoch is one of only two men who didn’t die, God took both of them. Our walk here determines whether we will walk eternally with Him in heaven.


Our Work   

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 Hebrew 11:7

 Far too many people think there will be a reward for them without having to work;  this is a lie from Satan. Noah, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household and became heir of the righteousness. Contrary to rumor, righteousness is a work coupled by faith; Noah’s’ faith plus his works resulted in the salvation of him along with his family. Could a greater compliment be paid to any man?


Our Wait  

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Hebrew 11:8-10

Waiting requires patience and patience is taught beginning with Abraham to whom God made promises not fulfilled in his life time.   However, his heirs received this blessing and that was important.   Just as Abraham and the patriarchs had faith, we must exercise patience as well.   Waiting for a promise to come to pass can be trying and for some it becomes to mush. Take for example Demas, who is well spoken of twice, but the last time his name is mentioned, Demas had fallen back in love with Satan’s world.   His patience wore thin and the wait for his reward became too much.    How very sad, so close to the finish line, only to loose his reward.   He started out right, but he didn’t finish the race he began.




The Bible truly does furnish us completely to every good work (2Tim. 3:16-17).



Bill Watkins