In a previous article it was established that the Jerusalem audience
was invited to repent, be baptized and actually “take”(positively accept)
the offered gift of the Holy Spirit. We studied that the verb “shall receive”
in Acts 2:38 is not a future reward to obeying the specified
conditions of “repenting of sins” and “being
baptized” in the name of Jesus Christ. The verb “shall
receive” is in the indicative mood, which means it is a
statement, command, or simply a fact. In addition though, it is grammatically deponent middle voice in
Greek grammar which makes it an active thing to be obeyed. The future "shall" is sometimes used in
commands, such as this negative one, "Thou shall not steal."
Therefore, any definition of what the gift is must include a
possibility of currently procuring or rejecting it.
the last article, we looked at the identity of the Spirit. Now, we
will explore the word "gift." Later, we will consider
whether the gift is "from the Spirit" or is "the
there are at least two major Greek words that are translated by the
translators as "gift" in the New Testament. The "gift"
used in Acts 2:38 is the "dorean" gift. The other major
Greek word is "charisma" (a word similar to "grace").
doreanG1432 Word “Gift.”
because it is a “gift” does not mean that it is a
“freebie” with no strings attached as some modern
evangelicals teach. The argument is sometimes made that one does not
have to do anything to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit or, for that matter, any of
God's gifts because they are free. In reality both the gift to the
apostles and the gift promised to the Jerusalem audience came with
prerequisites. At the same time it is called a gift.
gift of Heaven is given to worthy souls: “They shall walk
with me in white because they are worthy. The one that overcomes,
that one shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot his
name out of the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before my
Father and his angels”(Revelation 3:4-5).i
The Bible defines who is worthy. To claim that this gift is
“unmerited” is to confuse and cause reluctance to
word “gift” in our text is doreanG1432
and is incidentally from its parent word “gift”doronG1435ii,which
was the “altar” gift (Ezekiel 20:28).
Both Greek words have the verb διδοµιG1325
("to give") as their origin.
![G1431 gratuity & source G1435 sacrifice](images/receive2.jpg)
doronG1435 gift.
Law of Moses required one to “honor” his parents, but the
hypocrites were saying their money was a “gift”
(doronG1435) dedicated to God
and were side stepping the “honor parents” commandment
(Mark 7:11). This“altar gift”is used at least 16 times
in the New Testament (I counted over 90 times used as sacrifices in
the Greek OT LXX). This word “gift” does
not mean “free” in the sense that the receiver was not
worthy. It was offered to God who without controversy would be
worthy. The wise men brought doronG1435
gifts to the baby Jesus (Matthew 2:11). Jesus is worthy.
doronG1435 gift was also used
in secular society for “gifts” of honor from a lesser to
a greater; e.g., tokings, to brides, etc. The derived word
doreanG1432 was
also used in similar ways as has been discovered in secular Greek
papyri; e.g., one of the references is to an Egyptian King
Apollonius' doreanG1432
estate that was confiscated during Ptolemy III's reign.iv
seems to have been used more in a legal sense than doronG1435v.
is interesting that the parent word doronG1435
is used in Ephesians 2:8 for the gift from God: “For by
grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is
the gift of God”(i.e., doronG1435).
That word according to Strong's Dictionary meant “a
present; specifically a sacrifice: - gift, offering.” However,
notice that the doronG1435 in
Ephesians 2 is not from man but is from God. In other words, when
the Bible uses the word “free” gift in regard to God's
gift, it means it is freely given by the donor, who in Ephesians 2 is
God. However, like most gifts, He voluntarily decides what and how and when to dispense His
object “gift.” It should not be interpreted that the
object is dispensed without guidelines.
to some opinions, then, “gift” does not have to mean “no
strings attached” for its recipients. Neither does God's
gifts. God offers the gift mentioned in Ephesians 2:8
through the Faith,vi
which we are to earnestly contend for (Jude 3).vii
One example of "the faith" been delivered is in our text in Acts 2:38.
God's gift according to Peter requires upon being pricked in one's heart,viii
repenting, being baptized and accepting an "dorean" gift. The sacrificial offering described by Peter is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is proclaimed the Lord of the mentioned Joel prophecy. Hence, this is a similar
characteristic between the parent word “gift”, doronG1435
and its derived word “gift” [doreanG1432]
used in Acts 2:38.
doreanG1432 gift.
The gift
(doreanG1432) of the Holy
Spirit is defined as: 1. “gratuitously (literally or
figuratively)” - Strong's); 2.“gift-wise”
(“like a gift”) Winer's Grammar, 230); and 3.
“something freely done [given] (without cost); hence, not done
out of mere obligation or compulsion or entitlement; not coerced”
(Helps Word Studies). Hence, the "free" aspect is
describing the freedom of choice of the giver and not the value of
the gift nor recipient. The "n" ending for doreaG1431
identifies it as being in the accusative case (it is the
object of the verb "receive").
Vine's Dictionary editorializes that "It [dorea]
is always used in the NT of a spiritual or supernatural gift, John
4:10; Acts 8:20; 11:17; Rom. 5:15; 2 Cor. 9:15; Eph. 3:7; Heb. 6:4;
in Eph. 4:7"ix
we do well to remember that such is the authors' biased opinion,
especially when it is evident that he's editorializing.
I think of “gratuity” as being a voluntary tip that
one gives to a waiter/waitress that's done an acceptable job and you are pleased with them. There
is a nuance in John 15:25 and Psalm 69:4 (LXX) that may help us. The
people hated Jesus “without cause” (i.e., the word is
dorean: gratuitously; “voluntarily as a
gift”--Vincent's Word Studies). It is true that God's Son didn't deserve their hatred. But their reaction can be
categorized as the opposite of pleasure. Indeed, it was their
voluntary response based upon their judgment of Jesus'
behavior. Instead of commending Jesus for being from God, they voluntarily generated
hatred for Him. That's the way they wanted to perceive of Him. From their point of view, His righteousness deserved their hatred.
So their gift to Jesus was to gratuiosly hate Him. At the same time Jesus refused to serve the devil to receive their approval (Luke 4:1-13).
Apostles and Their DoreanG1432
The “receive”
of Acts 2:38 is often taught as being passive. We have
established that this verb is not passive but was understood to the
audience as active. It is the same verb used for the apostles'
receiving the power with the Holy Spirit's coming upon them. The
apostles did not passively receive this blessing. They waited
obediently to get the power given by the Spirit.
for apostles to obey.
First, they were to wait in
Jerusalem for “the promise of the Father.” “And,
being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should
not depart from Jerusalem, but wait forthe promise of the Father,
which, saith he, ye have heard of me”(Acts 1:4). The verb
infinitive “wait” is of course in the active voice.
However, a companion recording in Luke 24:49 is imperative: Jesus
says,“Tarry ye in the city of
Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.”
The “tarry” is a command. The waiting is a must. The
apostles were to obey this requirement in order to be indued with the
they were to accept the power when indued with the promise of the Holy
Spirit coming upon them. That is, when they were baptized (immersed,
with the Holy Spirit (not water, Acts
1:5). This “shall receive” is future middle deponent
voice, the same as Acts 2:38's “shall receive.” However,
in its companion record in John 20:22, “[Jesus]
saith unto them,Receive ye the Holy Ghost.”
The verb “receive” of John
20:22 is (aorist) imperative. They were
commanded by Jesus to receive the Spirit. This was to be an active
taking by them. Comparing the deponent
verb with the imperative, we can understand why the audience would
understand the deponent form to be action to be obeyed.
Audience and Their DoreanG1432
Just as the
apostles' receipt of their promise was predicated upon their active
obedience, so it is with the audience's receiving their promise of
the gift of the Holy Spirit. They were required to do something.
Convicted in their hearts, they were told to repent of their sins,
and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. (1) They were to
repent of their sins. (2) They were to allow themselves to be
passively baptized. That is, they were to have someone baptize
them (1 Corinthians 6:11, "You had yourselves washed"--middle voice). But was that all they were to do? Read on. Important: this is in addition, (3) they were to actively accept something.
Peter continued with "and" ... they are to do what? What
were they to "take"? This is very important: if some in
the audience were added to the apostles' group, we can reasonably
conclude it was because they obeyed Peter's instruction. It is
proper then to ask, "Did they take anything?" If they did
take or receive anything, wouldn't this be the gift they were
instructed to take?
they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day
there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they
continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in
breaking of bread, and in prayers" (Act 2:41-42) "Praising
God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the
church daily such as should be saved"(Act 2:47). So, what
did they take? I.e., What did they "receive"? "...they
gladly received his word." Was this not the gift offered and
anticipated by mankind at least from the time of the prophet Joel? Is
it not the Spirit's prophetic word delivered by the apostles?
The audience that was added to the apostles were baptized but
they also as instructed actively received the dorean gift.
This is important to concede because the individual miraculous
"gifts" enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12 are not called
dorean gifts (in the Greek); rather, such are identified in
the Greek with another gift word charisma ("favor" gift).
If this be so, then this is one reason not to consider Acts 2:38 as
receiving individual miraculous powers. In other words, "wrong
gift word." Rather, the Word delivered by the Holy Spirit
provides our ram, Jesus the only holy sacrifice that makes us
presentable to the Father.
Other articles in this series, The Gift of the Holy Spirit: