![Daniel 2,7 image for adventism](Daniel2_html_ma1600b5.jpg)
2:45b, “...
the great God hath made known to
the king what
shall come
hereafter: and the dream is
certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.”
the fifties I took a Bible Correspondence Course from the radio
program Voice of Prophecy (H.M.S.
Richards, Sr.,
in California). I am thankful to them because that experience opened
my eyes to the unique fulfilments of predictions in the Bible. No
religion can in truth be authentic unless it is able to predict
truthfully the future which the God of the Bible truly does.
misunderstandings of the Adventists.
I cannot praise them in every thing. For example, Jesus is not going
to reign upon the earth for a literal thousand years. No seed of
Jehoichin, descendant of David, will rule in the literal earthly
Jerusalem (Jeremiah 22:30; Matthew 1:11). Jesus, descendant of
Jehoichin, has reigned now for about 2000 years but while “sitting
on David's throne” in Heaven along side God the Father. Jesus
feet will never touch the earth again including Palestine's Jerusalem
(Acts 2:30,31; 1 Thessalonians 4:17). The Bible's prophet Daniel
predicted His type of reign (Daniel 7:13,14; Matthew
hundreds of years before it happened.
of the Return of Jesus. To be fair, the “premillineal
doctrine” of the Adventists is better than other theories of a
thousand year reign because it does not predict the saving of all
Jews. The Bible never elevates the fleshly Jew above obedience to
God. Romans 11:26 says that the Jew is to be saved by the same
criterion “so” as every other human being.
The reign of Jesus had begun on that important Pentecost of Acts 2
when the gospel was first preached by Peter and the apostles.
spirit and No body at death? Would this not require a
“re-creation.” The live spirits (accordding to
Ecclesiastes 12:7; 1 Corinthians 15:42f; 2 Corinthians 5:2) are with
God until they are united to new bodies at the resurrection when
Jesus comes in the heavens with His angels (1 Thessalonians 4:17).
Jesus never sets a foot upon the earth and therefore will not rule on
earth. All saints shall be lifted up to meet
Him in the clouds and will be with Him
forever in the new heavens and the new earth (2 Peter 3:17).
Unconscious at Death. The passage used by Adventists in
Ecclesiastes for the unconscious dead is talking about not having
“knowledge of things under the sun” (Ecclesiastes
9:3-6). This rather declares that dead saints do not have a news
report of occurrences on earth. Neither are new opportunities
available after death. Our contacts on earth are the here and now
and not at death. Those that die in Jesus rest in the place Jesus
called “Paradise” to the thief on the cross (Luke 23:43).
Earlier, Jesus called it “Abraham's bosom” in His
story of the deaths of a rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:23). Both
persons were conscious.
that only the “LAW OF MOSES” WAS “DONE AWAY”?
The New Testament designates the purification rule (moral law) of
the Old Testament as both “the Law of Moses” and “the
Law of the Lord” (Luke 2:23,24). There was ONLY one
Law under the Old and it was nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14;
Ephesians 2:15). The New Testament Kingdom, according to Jesus,
brings forth some treasures from the Old Testament to complete its
New Testament (Matthew 13:52). This includes some of the basic Law's
marriage and divorce commandments (Matthew 5:31,32; 1 Corinthians
7:1-16) along with the portion of the ten commandments that deal with
personal relationships and love (Romans 13:8,9).
The Sabbath (Rest) Remains for Christians.
But it is not the weekly day of the Old Testament. That day was
designed for Israel in commemorating their salvation from Egypt.
5:15, “And
remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the
LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a
stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep
the sabbath day.”
4:9, “But
God has promised us a Sabbath when we will rest, even though it has
not yet come.”
verse 11, “We
should do our best to enter that place of rest, so that none of us
will disobey and miss going there, as they [Jews
under Joshua]
IN DANIEL. Fortune telling, soothsaying, stars, and cookies are
fascinating to people but the real and actual predictions like those
in the Bible are breathtaking. Daniel gave predictions ahead of time
about the coming world empires and history relative to Israel that
culminated in the establishment of God's kingdom. Having studied the
history of ancient empires, one is so fascinated to read the
prophecies in Daniel. Daniel wrote, for example, of the sequence of
the Medo-Persian Empire, being replaced by the Grecian Empire, its
divisions, and finally, the Roman Empire. The appearance of the “Son
of Man's Kingdom” is at the last stages of the Empire.
of the accuracy of the Daniel prophecies, agnostics have always
argued that the book was editorialized or written AFTER the facts.
Since the papyri of Daniel fragments have been found with the Dead
Sea Scrolls, their attempted arguments have fallen.
with the King we must agree. Daniel 2:47, “The
king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it is, that your God
is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets,
seeing thou
couldest reveal this secret.”
Daniel's God is true and faithful and is the God of the Bible.
-- GAYLON WEST, edited by Janie Ward and Mary West