Hawkings Dies At Age 76.

Stephen Hawkings has just passed away at the age of 76. In spite of being diagnosed during his twenties with the neurological disease ALS, he still became one of the most influential physicists. Although Hawkings was an atheist who believed in the Big Bang Theory, he is known for demonstrating that the oscillating universe “model” idea as unworkable.i His last document describes how our universe will eventually fade into blackness as all its stars run out of energy.

The basis of empirical science is demonstrable verification. In elementary science 101 an enquirer must First come up with an idea (or answer to a question), which is called a (1) hypothesis. Test it with controlled variables. If it works, then develop it as a (2) theory. Continue to Test it, etc. If it can be conclusively shown to work repetitively then we have a demonstrated (3) fact. There are a lot of modern theories in “science booksespoused by liberal thinkers that are not only unproven as fact but have not even been shown to be valid theories. “Evolution” is one of those psuedo-theories.


There are many good questions about origins that I believe are ignored by the liberal theorists. Such questions include, where does life come from? Intelligence? The original substance? Etc. Rush Limbaugh in his broadcast on Dr. Hawkings’ passing gives a different view of the question “Where?” His take as I understand it, is “Where at?” (I like questions that end with prepositions). Whatever one argues as an origin must take into account of where was it at?

Hawkings death is an occasion for


(Limbaugh is a radio political commentator).

I was listening to Limbaugh's broadcast on the occasion of Hawkings death. Apparently, Dr. Hawkings UK professor was a believer in the Big Bang Theory of Origins. He had demonstrated that a current belief model did not work. He felt that the universe was constantly expanding until it would eventually reverse itself. Rush took the opportunity to ask a important question concerning the Big Bang.

Rush Limbaugh:
  “If there are questions we can ask to which we will never have the answers, then that gives me confidence that there is more than just life on Earth. What is the point of creating beings who can ponder such places if they don’t exist? Certainly the Big Bang. Again, I’ll admit I’m just a college dropout radio guy, okay? I’m not a professional physicist. I’m not a professional scientist. I do not own a lab coat, white or light blue. So they tell me that the Big Bang is where everything began. Hawking says it’s the Big Bang and we’re still expanding.

“Okay, the Big Bang. There was this whatever-size — call it a golf ball-, tennis ball-size of matter that banged and we’re all here. Where was it? Where was this glob of matter that banged that created the universe? Where was it? No, no, no. You can’t say, “It was in the void.” You can’t say it was in another dimension, parallel or otherwise, astral plane. It had to be somewhere. Where was it? What was around it? Could you see it? Could somebody see this golf-ball-size bit of energy if they were not part of that? Could you be somewhere and see it? Could you be somewhere and witness this Big Bang instead of being a part of it? If so, where were you? Well, since nobody could see it, how the (bleep) do they know it really happened? But I’m not supposed to ask that.”

- Rush Limbaugh, radio.

iIf general relativity is combined with quantum theory, it may be possible to predict how the universe would start. It would initially expand at an ever increasing rate.” article by Hawkings at of-the-universe.html

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