The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit:
Expressions such as synonyms are not required to fit in every scenario. “A sunset might be described equally well as beautiful or resplendent, but a beautiful baby would not usually be described as resplendent, which has a different implication (e.g., dazzling).”i
Five Expressions For “The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit.” (a continuation).
1. Immersion (previous article) a
2. Immersion of Sound. This article.
3. A Falling Upon.
4. A Pouring Out Upon.
5. A Gift.
Article #2. Holy Spirit Baptism Is described as an IMMERSION OF SOUND.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is only identified twice in the Scriptures (first in Acts 1 & 2 and second in 10 & 11). Jesus promised that the baptism to the apostles was to be fulfilled “not many days hence.” About ten days after Jesus ascended to “the throne of David” in Heaven (Acts 2:30), the apostles were waiting in Jerusalem as instructed, when there was a sound (echoG2279) from heaven that filled the house where they were (Acts 2:2). This was on the day of Pentecost. The baptism was not of water but a wind sound. While explaining the new birth to Nicodemus, Jesus compared the work of the Holy Spirit to the sound of the wind (John 3:8).ii However, the sound of wind is mentioned only with the baptism of the apostles on the day of Pentecost.
#2a. This Sound FILLS THE HOUSE.
often heard that a tornado’s strong wind sounds like a
freight train. I was in the winds of a small tornado that suddenly dropped down and lifted the nearby gas pump off its base. The pump had been less than ten feet from me. That twister's sound didn't bother me
as much as trying to hold onto the nearest available utility handle.
But what about a gigantic hurricane? The
headline for the sound of one of the latest hurricanes was “Chilling
Sound Of Killer Hurricane Irma So Loud Viewers Mistake It For TRAIN
This was the sound of a wind
blowing at 185 miles per hour. Was this the kind of sound that
filled the house where the apostlesiv
It was like a sound of a “rushing mighty wind.” Now, it
wasn’t wind, but it was a sound like
wind, a mighty rushing one. This is consistent with the language
Jesus uses, in John 3:8, in defining how the Holy Spirit’s work
is likened to “wind” that blows. The ISV version of
Acts 2:2 is “a sound like the
roar of a mighty windstorm came from
heaven and filled the whole house.”
This may be the sound that’s loud enough to be “noised
abroad” that assembled the people. The characteristic of sound
for the immersion of the Holy Spirit is only reported in the Acts 2
Pentecost event. No special sound is mentioned as occurring for the
subsequent Cornelius event in Acts 10 and 11.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an immersion.; and it is an immersion of Sound similar to that of a mighty wind. The only verified recipients of a baptism of (ev) the Holy Spirit revealed in Holy Scriptures are (1) the apostles at the beginning of the gospel (Philippians 4:15) and (2) Cornelius household at the beginning of Peter’s preaching.
To be continued ...
Throw Out The Lifeline
ii The word “spirit” and “wind” in the original Greek is derived from the word “breath” which basic word is used in both John 3:8 and Acts 2:2 as an analogy (i.e., “as the wind”).
iii http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/643055/Hurricane-Irma-path-latest-deadly-storm-chilling-sound-wind- Puerto-Rico-Caribbean-video 9/8/2017.
iv Acts 2:1, “they.” The nearest antecedent for “they” is in Acts 1:26 which names the twelve apostles.
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