1. Why was Daniel put into the lions' den?
[ ]
a. Stole something
[ ]
b. Praying to God
[ ]
c. Killed someone
[ ]
d. All of the above
2. Why did the governors set Daniel up?
[ ] a. Didn't like Daniel
[ ] b. Daniel was trustworthy
[ ] c. Daniel was their supervisor
[ ] d. All of the above
3. How did Daniel stay alive in the den?
[ ] a. Killed the lions
[ ] b. Hid from lions
[ ] c. Prayed to God
[ ] d. Escaped from the den
4. Who got Daniel out of the lions' den?
[ ] a. King Darius
[ ] b. King Nebuchadnezzar
[ ] c. Governors
[ ] d. No one; he lived forever in the den