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Moral obligations in Marriage


Christians should be concerned about God's laws in every arena of life. This includes the special relationship in marriage. Unfortunately, people in attempts to do good and support the righteous, make judgments on marriages that are restricted to that centered around whether you are married in name. Our knowledge of marriage simply is restricted to whether one claims to be married with a "Mr." and "Mrs." Knowledge of marriage is limited to a man is supposed to only be "married" to a woman and vice versus. The purpose of marriage is taboo in public teaching and the naive person is left for the devil's education. All should be taught the truth about honoring the marriage relationship in practice and theory. If one encourages sin he is guilty of the sin as well (2 John 9).

1. We are not our own, but the Lord's. We must glorify God in our bodies (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

2. Because of danger of fornication, each man is to have his own wife; each wife their own husband (1 Cor. 7:2)

Thayer's definition of fornication: 1) illicit sexual intercourse [used figuratively for idolatry]. Strong's definition is "harlotry (including adultery and incest)." Illicit means "contrary to or forbidden by law."

At this point, let me interrupt and ask, what is there about marriage that is supposed to help one to prevent them from committing fornication? Is it a certificate of marriage? Is it living in the same house? Is it the possession of a common name? What is one's duty in marriage that makes it unique to preventing sexual sins? Hebrews 13:4, "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."

3. Because the body of the husband's is under the authority of the wife's (7:4) sexual expression is obligated by the husband to the wife.

4. Because the body of the wife is under the authority of the husband (7:4) sexual expression is obligated by the wife to the husband.

5. A man who divorces his wife for a reason other than fornication, makes her commit adultery (Matt. 5:32). Why? See 1-4.

6. By implication, a wife who divorces her husband for a reason other than fornication, makes him commit adultery (Matt. 5:32). Why? See # 1-4 above.

At this point, let me ask the question, if one defraud his/her spouse in this matter, could it cause the other to commit adultery? Remember that marriage is the option to committing fornication. Again, I ask, in what way?

7. Sexual deprivation by either party is only by (1) consent/agreement and (2) for a "limited time" (7:5).

I ask why? Paul apparently has to have special permission to grant this exception. I know about a Christian who took a job out of town against the judgment of the elders. She later became involved with another man and eventually divorced her husband. Obviously, if one is to put the blame of the divorce, one must blame the separation, the separation did not fit into the "limited time" slot. While she was at home if her husband refused her sexually, then the blame can be put on him. The sum total is for husband and wife to honor and love each other as the apostle ordered in 1 Corinthians 7. And the apostles were guided by the Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 4).

8. 7:10-- The Wife or Husband may not depart (vs. 11--but . . .). Whatever else that Paul/Lord may say must harmonize with this admonition not to depart.

This "depart" is a sin. Sin is "transgression of the law"; God's law (His commands); i.e., 1 John 3:4 "Those who live sinful lives are disobeying God. Sin is disobedience" (GW version). This is a commandment. If one is not supposed to separate except by permission and then only a "limited time", then what does does this disobedience do? Does it not make the party a sinner? One who commits sin. All sin is against God, but what is this sin against? Is it not against the partner? Hence, a violation by dishonoring the marriage-bed (Heb. 13:4).

The word "depart" [G5563] is the same word that is used by Jesus concerning separating the one flesh that He had joined together [in marriage] (Matthew 19:6). "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.G5563"

Greek word is chorizo [kho-rid'-zo] Strong's # G5563: "to place room between, that is, part; reflexively to go away: - depart, put asunder, separate." In 1 Corinthians 7:10 it is first aorist passive infinitive of the adverb choris.

9. 7:11--If he/she does the only options listed here are: (1) remain unmarried or (2) be reconciled.

Notice that this is the one departing ("putting asunder") from the duty of marriage. It doesn't per se mention divorce but the fact is she or he has broken the marriage. H. E. Phillips of the Searching the Scriptures preached that this could be going into a separate room. The word simply means to make a space between. God said, "Let no one do it!" It is the basic sin against the one flesh.

Whatever else Paul/Lord may say must harmonize with this admonition to either remain unmarried or be reconciled. Fornication would allow one to: (1) remain unmarried or (2) be reconciled to the adulterous wife or (3) marry a different wife (Matt. 19:9).

In this case the guilty party has only two options: (1) stay single (2) return to husband (if possible).
I repeat: This person is the guilty party! She has no such options! She has put asunder the marriage bond: i.e., the one flesh. And Paul so declares the divorce by the disobedient frees the innocent in verse 15. If refusal of conjugal sex in the covenant isn't "fornication" then the Spirit is giving a second exception to the innocent in verse 15. The freedom implied in verse 15 is the same as the liberty of verse 39. "The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord."

10. Vs. 27-- under distress: "Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife."

This context is speaking specifically concerning the "present distress". We must not ignore the Spirit's statement that "If you marry, YOU HAVE NOT SINNED."
1 Timothy 4:1 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Forbidding to marry ...

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