
Can Demons Possess People Today?



There is no record in the OT of demons possessing anyone, even though they were associated with pagan and false religions Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:17; 2 Chronicles 11:15; Psalms 106:37. When we come into the NT, we find them able to possess people [as pointed in the last issue- Tommy's paper]. But, they could be cast out by Jesus and His apostles Mark 5:8-9; 9:27; Luke 4:33-35; 8:28-29; Acts 16:16-17; 19:15, to name a few scriptures. Demon possession was never intended to continue on after the lifetime of Jesus and the apostles. In fact, two OT prophecies, both clearly Messianic, prophesied such would cease. Micah 5:12-13 "I will cut off sorceries soothsayers from your midst." Zechariah 13:1-9 " I will cause the unclean spirits to depart from the land." The point being that once the foundation for the church/kingdom of the Messianic age was laid (which began at Pentecost Acts 2), and God's revelation was completed, then the "sorceries, soothsayers, unclean spirits" would cease in the land. When Jesus was here the demons knew their time was limited, and said so even while Jesus was casting them out Matthew 8:29.


Demon possession was allowed to exercise unusual power over men while Jesus was on earth to allow Him to show His power over Satan and his evil workers. By casting out demons He proved His power to be far greater than that of Satan Matthew 12:28-29; Luke 11:14-23. His apostles were given the ability to cast out demons along with other miracles to confirm the word they were preaching was of God Mark 16:15-20; Hebrews 2:3-4. The NT writers affirm that God's revelation was being revealed as they spoke and when it was completed there would be no more divine revelations. Read 1 Corinthians 13:8-13, especially v.10. Prophecies, along with tongues and special knowledge, were to cease v.8, " when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away." Context and grammar show "the perfect" in v.10 to be the word of God, not Jesus. See also Jude 3; James 1:25. So when the last apostle died divine revelation stopped along with demon possession and the other miraculous spiritual gifts of that period of time given to confirm the word.  


While actual demon possession stopped toward the end of the 1st century (when John finished the book of Revelation), that did not mean they no longer had the ability to deceive people. They were still able (and still are) to deceive the minds of people, and cause them to believe the "working of Satan" aka "the lawless one" with "power, signs and lying wonders." Those who have no love of the truth can be deceived by these lying wonders 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. " Satan's workers still use "the doctrines of demons" 1 Timothy 4:1. The land beast, the false prophet of Revelation 13:11-16 did great signs, granted to him by the sea beast, the persecuting power, enabling him to "deceive" those on the earth. So, we are told "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they be of God" 1 John 4:1. In reality, any so-called demon possession is the result of a deluded mind, one who has been deceived by some "lying wonder" or "false doctrine."


Here's a test. Does the alleged demon testify to the identity and deity of Christ or His messengers? Demons did so in the days of Jesus and His apostles. Also, some who claim to cast out demons and then fail to do so leave the person they have sought to exorcise still suffering. Jesus and His apostles never failed to cast them out, even though Jesus had to help His apostles on at least one occasion Mark 9:24-29. I have not dealt with some of the various claims people have made over the year, but as a believer in God's infallible word, I believe that those who teach demon possession existing today are denying the only inerrant, infallible, reliable proof we have, the word of God. "Let God be true, and every man a liar" Romans 3:4.


Let me add a few thoughts about demons. I know I have not answered to everyone's satisfaction all the questions people might have about demons and demon possession, but I am certain of the following facts. First, demons are not atheists. They believe in God Matthew 8:29; Mark 1:24; 3:11; Luke 4:41. In fact they believe in only ONE God James 2:19. But just because they believe in God does not mean they are saved. Saving faith has to be coupled with obedience i.e., demonstrated in action James 2:14-17, 22-24. Today, many say they believe, but their belief is no better than that of the demons. And like the demons, their faith is a dead faith for they will not obey God Matthew 7:2123; Hebrews 5:9. Demons are not religious modernists. They did not believe Jesus just to be a mere man. They referred to Him as the Holy One of God Mark 1:24; Son of God Mark 3:11. They were better than people who say Jesus was a good man but not God. Modernists are people who don't want to admit Jesus' virgin birth, His miracles, His resurrection. At least the demons made the confession that He was the Son of God, even though they tried to keep people from following Him. They also recognized Jesus that Jesus had all authority. They couldn't resist Him. When He commanded them to come forth they had to yield. They entreated Him not to send them to the abyss Luke 8:31 but they knew they had to obey. People today think they can ignore Jesus' authority in His word John 12:48.

Demons also know there is a hell that awaits them Matthew 8:29. So many today want to deny hell exists, but the demons know it to be a fact, and that they are going to be in it Matthew 25:41. The people who deny its existence or live as if it doesn't exist will end up there with them.


Isn't it sad that so many today have less knowledge of these things that the demons, yet they act worse because they have the opportunity to be saved, while the demons don't, yet people continue refuse and ignore to do what the Lord requires of them. They are continually trying to find loopholes. But if the demons who believed could not escape the consequences of their actions, why do people today think they can. The same fate awaits them that also await the devil and the demons who serve him, an eternity in an eternal hell 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Revelation 20:11-15., evangelist for the Etna church, Ozark AR

Throw Out the Lifeline

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