


            "Question: Leviticus 26:6 NKJV [6] I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none will make you afraid; I will rid the land of evil beasts, and the sword will not go through your land. I had a silly thought: This is where the Dinosaurs went??????? "
Question: "This is where the Dinosaurs went??????"

We all have "silly thoughts" at one time and another. Thank you for sharing your question.

In school science we were taught to consider all questions as a hypothesis and test it.

Someone once told me that they knew where God came from and they could show me in the Bible. Sounded good; so I asked where the passage was. "God came from ..." (Habakkuk 3:3). Of course, the context is talking about "God" as a trope. "God" is metaphorically used for His presence.

The context of the Leviticus 26 passage is promising a blessing to Israel for their faithfulness. This included a riddance of the land of evil beasts.* Unfortunately, Israel only had "spurts" of faithfulness and hence, the promise would have been intermittent and shortly lived. The northern kingdom was overrun at one time by lions (2 Kings 17:25,26) as a result of the land's sins. Most had also been removed to other regions in the Assyrian Empire. Jacob thought that Joseph had been devoured by "evil beast" (Genesis 37:20, 33). * (Initially, the Israelites were told not to destroy all Amorites immediately because the beasts would increase, Deuteronomy 7:22).

Some strange animals that are listed in the Bible and thought to refer to monster dinosaurs are behemoth, leviathan, and tanniyn. E.g., Isaiah 27:1. Tanniyn occurs 28 times in the Bible and is translated "dragon," "serpent," "sea monster," "dinosaur," "great creature," and "reptile." Are there still dinosaurs somewhere? There were once snakes on the island of Melita (Acts 28) but I am told that there are no snakes there now.

Bible Study Lessons