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Question #1 > Can you explain why there are two testaments instead of just one??

Question #1 > Can you explain why there are two testaments instead of just one ?
from Grace, a Free Ride to Heaven? Appendix i , a book by Gaylon West


testament = covenant

1. Moses reviews the covenant that God gave him to give to Israel.
Deuteronomy chapters 4, 5.
    a. Who is speaking? 5:1.
    b. To whom is he speaking? 5:1.
    c. What covenant is he talking about? 5:2
    d. What is the name given to the covenant? 4:13.
    e. To whom is the covenant given? 5: 2, 3
    f. Was it given to their fathers? 5:3
        Would this include Adam and Eve, Noah, and Abraham?
    g. What is another name for this covenant? 4:44.
    h. Name some of the commandments in the covenant. 5:6-22.
    i. What does "Deuteronomy" mean?

2. Jeremiah the prophet talks about another covenant. Jeremiah 31:31-34.
    a. What is the covenant existing at this time? 31:32
    b. What is coming? 31:31, 32
    c. Is it going to be different or the same? 31:32
    d. What is another name for the covenant? 31:33.
    e. How many of God's people under this Law will know Him? 31:34.

3. The Hebrew writer quotes an Old Testament passage. Hebrews 8
    a. Who does the writer mention in 8:5?
    b. What is He (Jesus) a Mediator of? 8:6.
    c. What is this called in 8:7?
    d. What is quoted in 8:8-12? Look at #2 above.
    e. What is his application of the quote? 8:13.
    f. Instead of being written on stones, where was the New ("second") written? 8:10.
    f. What did God promise to put into the mind and hearts? 8:10.

4. The Hebrew writer tells when the New Testament came into effect: Hebrews 9:15-17
    a. When did Jesus' New testament come into effect? 9:16, 17.
    b. Who really redeemed (bought) the transgressions under the first covenant? 9:15.

5. Confirmation of the Old Covenant (Testament) ending. Ephesians 2:12-17; Colossians 2:14-17.
    a. Gentiles had been aliens or separated from what? Eph. 2:12.
    b. What did Jesus abolish in His flesh? Eph. 2:15.
    c. What did Jesus nail to the cross? Col. 2:14
    d. Where is the law of the sabbath? Col 2:16.
    e. The substance (body) is Christ but what does the shadow of things refer to? Col. 2:17.
    f. Can we be judged by the Old Testament things? Col. 2:16.     g. What was this Old Covenant called? Deuteronomy 4:13, 44 (#1 above).
    h. Sin is the breaking or transgression of law [lawlessness]. 1 John 3:4.
        If we can sin today, what law are we under? The Old or the New?
6. Did Jesus give commandments to the apostles? Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:14-20; Luke 24:43-45; John 20:21,22..
    a. Did Jesus leave any writings that He had written?
    b. To whom did He give that responsibility? John 20:21,22.
    c. What was the commission given to the apostles just before Jesus ascended? Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15, 16; Luke 24:43-45.

7. The New Covenant is presented on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2:30-42. 47.
    a. How could a person be saved? 2:21
    b. Who is this crucified Jesus? 2:36
    b. What does the apostle of Jesus command the audience to do? 2:38, 40
    c. What does God do to those that were being saved? 2:47
    d. What had the believers done that were saved? 2:38-41

6. Why don't we have the New Covenant written by Jesus' hand? John 16:13 (14- 16; 17:17-21).
    a. Where did Jesus (by His Spirit) write the New Covenant? Hebrews 8 (above).

    b. The Corinthian epistle is an epistle of whom? 2 Corinthians 3:2,3.
    c. Where is God's light and His treasure and how can we access it? 2 Corinthians 4:6,7.
    d. Why do you think Jesus entrusted the New Covenant of law to the hearts of 12 men?
    e. How can the New Covenant be in turn written on our hearts?